This section details the information required by Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce. This rule regulates in its article 10.1.a), d) and e) the data that must be displayed on its website by those who practice a regulated profession.
Name: Iago Pillado Losada.
Office: Avenue Galicia, 11, mezzanine, Cambados, Province of Pontevedra, Postal Code 36630, Spain
Academic title: Law Degree.
State in which it was issued: Spain.
Professional Association: Bar Association of Province of Pontevedra.
Collegiate number: 3.146.
Regulatory norms of professional practice:
- Organic Law 6/1985, of the Judiciary, articles 389, 542, 544-546, and 552-557.
- Royal Decree 658/2001, of 22 December, approving the General Statute of Spanish Lawyers, amended at the Plenary session of December 10, 2002.
- Code of Ethics of the Spanish Law, approved by the Plenary Session of the General Council of Spanish Law, and adapted to the new General Statute of Spanish Law.
- Regulation of the Disciplinary Procedure, approved by the Plenary Session of the General Council of Spanish Law on February 27, 2009.
Tradename: “PLEIA” ® is a tradename registered in the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office with No. 374.060, and it is protected by the regulations governing trademarks and trade names under the Spaniard law.